192 research outputs found

    MQENet: A Mesh Quality Evaluation Neural Network Based on Dynamic Graph Attention

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    With the development of computational fluid dynamics, the requirements for the fluid simulation accuracy in industrial applications have also increased. The quality of the generated mesh directly affects the simulation accuracy. However, previous mesh quality metrics and models cannot evaluate meshes comprehensively and objectively. To this end, we propose MQENet, a structured mesh quality evaluation neural network based on dynamic graph attention. MQENet treats the mesh evaluation task as a graph classification task for classifying the quality of the input structured mesh. To make graphs generated from structured meshes more informative, MQENet introduces two novel structured mesh preprocessing algorithms. These two algorithms can also improve the conversion efficiency of structured mesh data. Experimental results on the benchmark structured mesh dataset NACA-Market show the effectiveness of MQENet in the mesh quality evaluation task

    Glottal source parametrisation by multi-estimate fusion

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    Glottal source information has been proven useful in many applications such as speech synthesis, speaker characterisation, voice transformation and pathological speech diagnosis. However, currently no single algorithm can extract reliable glottal source estimates across a wide range of speech signals. This thesis describes an investigation into glottal source parametrisation, including studies, proposals and evaluations on glottal waveform extraction, glottal source modelling by Liljencrants-Fant (LF) model fitting and a new multi-estimate fusion framework. As one of the critical steps in voice source parametrisation, glottal waveform extraction techniques are reviewed. A performance study is carried out on three existing glottal inverse filtering approaches and results confirm that no single algorithm consistently outperforms others and provide a reliable and accurate estimate for different speech signals. The next step is modelling the extracted glottal flow. To more accurately estimate the glottal source parameters, a new time-domain LF-model fitting algorithm by extended Kalman filter is proposed. The algorithm is evaluated by comparing it with a standard time-domain method and a spectral approach. Results show the proposed fitting method is superior to existing fitting methods. To obtain accurate glottal source estimates for different speech signals, a multi-estimate (ME) fusion framework is proposed. In the framework different algorithms are applied in parallel to extract multiple sets of LF-model estimates which are then combined by quantitative data fusion. The ME fusion approach is implemented and tested in several ways. The novel fusion framework is shown to be able to give more reliable glottal LF-model estimates than any single algorithm

    Model Predictive Robustness of Signal Temporal Logic Predicates

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    The robustness of signal temporal logic not only assesses whether a signal adheres to a specification but also provides a measure of how much a formula is fulfilled or violated. The calculation of robustness is based on evaluating the robustness of underlying predicates. However, the robustness of predicates is usually defined in a model-free way, i.e., without including the system dynamics. Moreover, it is often nontrivial to define the robustness of complicated predicates precisely. To address these issues, we propose a notion of model predictive robustness, which provides a more systematic way of evaluating robustness compared to previous approaches by considering model-based predictions. In particular, we use Gaussian process regression to learn the robustness based on precomputed predictions so that robustness values can be efficiently computed online. We evaluate our approach for the use case of autonomous driving with predicates used in formalized traffic rules on a recorded dataset, which highlights the advantage of our approach compared to traditional approaches in terms of expressiveness. By incorporating our robustness definitions into a trajectory planner, autonomous vehicles obey traffic rules more robustly than human drivers in the dataset.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, conference paper in submissio

    Public Leadership in the Chinese Government's Response to COVID-19: The synergy of governance, public participation and cultural foundations

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    Abstract The country's sudden and abnormal public crisis is a test of the government's leadership (Wu, 2013). These crises include wars, natural disasters, pandemics, etc. As of January 18, 2022, COVID-19, which lasted about two years and two months, has caused 330 million infections and 5.5 million deaths globally (WHO, 2022). When a crisis occurs, governments of various countries are faced with formulating a thorough response plan within a short time and then passing the review of relevant departments, communicating with the public and responding to questions or accusations from the media. This dissertation adopts the qualitative case study method to explore China's performance and response to COVID-19 from the perspective of national culture and public leadership. This research takes the performance of the government and people in Wuhan from the time of lockdown to the lifting of restrictions as a case. It profoundly analyzes China's national culture, the institutional model and measures adopted by the Wuhan government and the Chinese central government in response to COVID-19. The author analyzes the factor of national culture mainly from the two aspects of power distance and collectivism. In order to explain the mechanism of action of the two elements of national culture and government leadership, this study added the public factor. In this way, it explains how the government can influence the public in both rigid and soft patterns. These three factors together constitute a model framework for the effective functioning of government leadership. On this basis, this research explains why the Chinese government can effectively control the spread of the epidemic in a short time. Key words: Covid-19, public leadership, government, national culture, power distance, individualism – collectivism, institution, autocratic system publi

    A physics-informed and attention-based graph learning approach for regional electric vehicle charging demand prediction

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    Along with the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs), optimizing the use of EV charging space can significantly alleviate the growing load on intelligent transportation systems. As the foundation to achieve such an optimization, a spatiotemporal method for EV charging demand prediction in urban areas is required. Although several solutions have been proposed by using data-driven deep learning methods, it can be found that these performance-oriented methods may suffer from misinterpretations to correctly handle the reverse relationship between charging demands and prices. To tackle the emerging challenges of training an accurate and interpretable prediction model, this paper proposes a novel approach that enables the integration of graph and temporal attention mechanisms for feature extraction and the usage of physic-informed meta-learning in the model pre-training step for knowledge transfer. Evaluation results on a dataset of 18,013 EV charging piles in Shenzhen, China, show that the proposed approach, named PAG, can achieve state-of-the-art forecasting performance and the ability in understanding the adaptive changes in charging demands caused by price fluctuations.Comment: Preprint. This work has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on ITS for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Balancing Unobserved Confounding with a Few Unbiased Ratings in Debiased Recommendations

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    Recommender systems are seen as an effective tool to address information overload, but it is widely known that the presence of various biases makes direct training on large-scale observational data result in sub-optimal prediction performance. In contrast, unbiased ratings obtained from randomized controlled trials or A/B tests are considered to be the golden standard, but are costly and small in scale in reality. To exploit both types of data, recent works proposed to use unbiased ratings to correct the parameters of the propensity or imputation models trained on the biased dataset. However, the existing methods fail to obtain accurate predictions in the presence of unobserved confounding or model misspecification. In this paper, we propose a theoretically guaranteed model-agnostic balancing approach that can be applied to any existing debiasing method with the aim of combating unobserved confounding and model misspecification. The proposed approach makes full use of unbiased data by alternatively correcting model parameters learned with biased data, and adaptively learning balance coefficients of biased samples for further debiasing. Extensive real-world experiments are conducted along with the deployment of our proposal on four representative debiasing methods to demonstrate the effectiveness.Comment: Accepted Paper in WWW'2

    Recent Advances of Continual Learning in Computer Vision: An Overview

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    In contrast to batch learning where all training data is available at once, continual learning represents a family of methods that accumulate knowledge and learn continuously with data available in sequential order. Similar to the human learning process with the ability of learning, fusing, and accumulating new knowledge coming at different time steps, continual learning is considered to have high practical significance. Hence, continual learning has been studied in various artificial intelligence tasks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the recent progress of continual learning in computer vision. In particular, the works are grouped by their representative techniques, including regularization, knowledge distillation, memory, generative replay, parameter isolation, and a combination of the above techniques. For each category of these techniques, both its characteristics and applications in computer vision are presented. At the end of this overview, several subareas, where continuous knowledge accumulation is potentially helpful while continual learning has not been well studied, are discussed

    Hierarchical Topological Ordering with Conditional Independence Test for Limited Time Series

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    Learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to identify causal relations underlying observational data is crucial but also poses significant challenges. Recently, topology-based methods have emerged as a two-step approach to discovering DAGs by first learning the topological ordering of variables and then eliminating redundant edges, while ensuring that the graph remains acyclic. However, one limitation is that these methods would generate numerous spurious edges that require subsequent pruning. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we propose an improvement to topology-based methods by introducing limited time series data, consisting of only two cross-sectional records that need not be adjacent in time and are subject to flexible timing. By incorporating conditional instrumental variables as exogenous interventions, we aim to identify descendant nodes for each variable. Following this line, we propose a hierarchical topological ordering algorithm with conditional independence test (HT-CIT), which enables the efficient learning of sparse DAGs with a smaller search space compared to other popular approaches. The HT-CIT algorithm greatly reduces the number of edges that need to be pruned. Empirical results from synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HT-CIT algorithm

    Physics-Augmented Data-EnablEd Predictive Control for Eco-driving of Mixed Traffic Considering Diverse Human Behaviors

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    Data-driven cooperative control of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has gained extensive research interest as it can utilize collected data to generate control actions without relying on parametric system models that are generally challenging to obtain. Existing methods mainly focused on improving traffic safety and stability, while less emphasis has been placed on energy efficiency in the presence of uncertainties and diversities of human-driven vehicles (HDVs). In this paper, we employ a data-enabled predictive control (DeePC) scheme to address the eco-driving of mixed traffic flows with diverse behaviors of human drivers. Specifically, by incorporating the physical relationship of the studied system and the Hankel matrix update from the generalized behavior representation to a particular one, we develop a new Physics-Augmented Data-EnablEd Predictive Control (PA-DeePC) approach to handle human driver diversities. In particular, a power consumption term is added to the DeePC cost function to reduce the holistic energy consumption of both CAVs and HDVs. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in accurately capturing random human driver behaviors and addressing the complex dynamics of mixed traffic flows, while ensuring driving safety and traffic efficiency. Furthermore, the proposed optimization framework achieves substantial reductions in energy consumption, i.e., average reductions of 4.83% and 9.16% when compared to the benchmark algorithms

    Heatmap Distribution Matching for Human Pose Estimation

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    For tackling the task of 2D human pose estimation, the great majority of the recent methods regard this task as a heatmap estimation problem, and optimize the heatmap prediction using the Gaussian-smoothed heatmap as the optimization objective and using the pixel-wise loss (e.g. MSE) as the loss function. In this paper, we show that optimizing the heatmap prediction in such a way, the model performance of body joint localization, which is the intrinsic objective of this task, may not be consistently improved during the optimization process of the heatmap prediction. To address this problem, from a novel perspective, we propose to formulate the optimization of the heatmap prediction as a distribution matching problem between the predicted heatmap and the dot annotation of the body joint directly. By doing so, our proposed method does not need to construct the Gaussian-smoothed heatmap and can achieve a more consistent model performance improvement during the optimization of the heatmap prediction. We show the effectiveness of our proposed method through extensive experiments on the COCO dataset and the MPII dataset.Comment: NeurIPS 202